Time’s ticking, and in just a Madaket Minute, we’re ready to help your hospital or health system claw back $50 Million in lost revenue — by the end of THIS year.

Let’s get real: 35% of hospitals are in the red. Cash on hand is scraping the bottom of a ten-year low. The question isn’t if you’re bleeding revenue—it’s how much.

Madaket Health is here to rip off the Band-Aid. We’ll dive into your claims, pinpoint every dollar slipping through your fingers, and hand you the roadmap to recover it. No IT headaches. No fluff. Just cold, hard cash back in your pockets.

Burnt-out clinicians? Revenue leaking to other systems? We’ll expose it all.

$50 Million isn’t just a goal—it’s a guarantee. And we’ll do it at our risk, not yours. Ready to make it happen?

Read the video transcript below and subscribe to Madaket Health on YouTube.

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Video Transcript:

Hello everyone, and welcome to an extended version of the Madaket Minute. My name is Martin Cody, senior vice president of sales and marketing at Madaket Health. And in this minute, we’re going to identify a way in which we can help hospitals and health systems drop $50 million to their bottom line by the end of the year.

Hospitals and health systems are under an immense amount of strain financially right now. It is incredible that 35% of hospitals have a negative operating margin. Cash on hand was reported recently to be at a ten-year low, so it’s vitally important that they capture every piece of revenue and every dollar that should be occurring inside their walls. And in this video, we’re going to share with you three ways on how Madaket is helping them do this. We can do an analysis at your health system or hospital, and we don’t really need any of ITs help. We just grab some claims files that are sitting on a server, and then we analyze it. And then, when we do that, we present the findings to you and also step-by-step guides on how to recover the revenue. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about. So, your health system has this patient, and your system’s color code is gray. This patient is now here. This is their episode of visit. It’s a cardiac episode. And you’re going to see as the charges build how much care is occurring outside your walls. So if I move forward, you can see that on the first day of care, you have two episodes that you’re collecting revenue from, but you also have three. The colors represent different healthcare systems that you’re not collecting revenue from, and that revenue is significant. Four different healthcare networks, five different branches. I also miss an opportunity here from this visit all the way till mid-March, about  45-day period where no one sees this patient. You know, no visit to the cardiologist or another specialist to identify what’s going on. And then by the end of this visit, within one year, here’s all of the charges that you’ve lost. There’s some significant care that has been given to this patient that had a Stemi, and all of the colors that are not gray represent revenue occurring outside your walls. So this analysis can help us show where you’re leaking revenue and more importantly, will give you the steps on how to recover it. As it relates to plans that are serviced by your facilities, this is an interesting, detailed look into what’s happening with some actual data from the Upper East Coast with regards to health systems and the plans they work with. Now, it’s very easy from a member attribution standpoint to chart on patients that are in your system. And that’s represented here by the inside circles. Here’s your patient population here. Here’s how many are associated with the mass health ACO. Here’s how many are associated with the Tufts health plan, Medicaid preferred. So you can see that all those patients inside the circle, you can actually chart on them. You know they exist. They have a primary care provider. These patients outside, though, are not in your system. There is no assigned provider. if I were to fast forward this a little bit, that number would be over 85,000 patients that are getting care somewhere, but it’s not in your system. Also, we continue to hear about burnout, and we know it’s an unpopular term, but guess what? It’s very, very real. Physicians and nurses are exhausted. And here’s another look that we can give your facility. Notice the red here. This is the number of hours this provider or this clinician is actually working and charting outside their shift. The green represents their shift. Often we hear that we have a capacity problem. You don’t have a capacity problem. And we’ll prove it to you. You have a messaging problem. These clinicians are getting bombarded with way too much information that they cannot provide clinical care in a timely fashion that they should. So please email me at martin@madakethealth.com, and we will get to the bottom of this. And again, we guarantee we can drop $50 million to your bottom line by the end of the year, and we’ll do it at risk. Thank you so much for tuning in to this Madaket Minute.

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