Madaket is dedicated to simplifying provider-payer enrollments. We provide a single place where any provider can enroll with any payer, any time.
Just how messy is the status quo? Based on the many tens of thousands of enrollments Madaket has already processed on behalf of providers, we have some insights to share. We know the latest forms, procedures, and data requirements for all US payers.
Here’s a snapshot of how payers typically receive enrollments from providers today:
- Fax: 20.4%. These payers receive enrollment forms by fax. Today, providers can go on the Madaket portal to key in data once instead of filling out individual paper forms. Also, Madaket sends providers’ data to all payers who require fax, so providers don’t have to stand by the fax machine all day. We’re already making things easier for providers. However, when payers receive the faxes, they manually key in the data into their computer systems again. That means more room for error. This is why payer IT integration with Madaket is so important. The more payers that integrate with Madaket today, the fewer manual processes and errors there are tomorrow.
- Email: 23.0%. These payers receive data via email – usually as an attached PDF file. Providers go on Madaket’s portal today to fill in their information once, and we pre-populate any PDF form that any payer requires and emails them all on behalf of the provider
- “Bulk”: 25.8%. Payers who “outsource” provider enrollments to a clearinghouse (CH) usually get a CSV file from their CH partner. Everyday, Madaket sends enrollments to the biggest CHs in the country.
- Portal: 24.5%. Some payers are getting with the digital age and ask providers to enroll on their websites. Madaket helps providers auto-populate payer websites, so they don’t have to go to a different website for every payer they work with. Madaket’s vision is for our single enrollment form to act as a “common application” for all payers.
- Postal: 2.8%. Yes, it’s true. There are payers who still require snail mail enrollments. The good news is that Madaket streamlines the process so providers only have to sign – we take care of the rest.
- “Manual”: 3.6%. These payers process enrollments in other ways. Madaket is working reduce the number of “exceptions” in the healthcare system.
We hope these data snippets are helpful. To learn more or ask a question, send us an email!
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