From billing to claims and patient registration, revenue cycle management (RCM) brings together the business and clinical sides in healthcare. A healthy payer-provider relationship relies on consistent and accurate communication of patient data, which is made easier through the digitization of data and provider operations. As the early steps of any RCM process, making sure the essential administrative aspects are correct helps ensure patient care is uninterrupted.
Watch the second video in our five-part series for a basic understanding of your revenue cycle front end and how to make certain you’re capturing the right patient information from the start. Make sure you watch part one which covers how to successfully schedule a new patient for their initial appointment.
Read the “Checking Benefits, Eligibility, and Verification” video transcript below and subscribe to Madaket Health on YouTube.
Video Transcript:
Hi, I’m Devon with Madaket Health and welcome to this installment of the Madaket Minute, where we’re looking for feedback and thoughts on today’s topic, which is a continuation from last week about front-end revenue cycle processes that lead to poor revenue cycle management, and what you can do to remedy those problems.
Today we are on tip number two: checking benefits, eligibility, and verification first. It is imperative to have someone in your office figuring out eligibility and coordinating that information. There must be policies in place that are spelled out “to the T” for staff to follow and for your staff to be able to explain this information in a polite and clear way to patients.
Going one step further, it is essential that you check their benefits and eligibility each and every time for their visits. Many times they’re not being checked each time. Verbally asking the patient if anything changed doesn’t count because they don’t always understand their benefits or plan or have forgotten something since their last visit. Things that can change since their last visit might be their address, their type of plan, or eligibility. Your front office staff needs to get the most up-to-date insurance card at each visit.
I’ll be sharing my three other tips in my upcoming videos. In the meantime, I’d love to hear any challenges or solutions that you’ve found with your front-end revenue cycle management. Have a good one.
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