With high patient volumes, it can be tempting for providers to save charting for later in the day. But completing patient notes in real-time during each appointment helps ensure the accuracy of the information and enables claims to be submitted for billing as soon as possible for more timely payment. Writing notes during the visit instead of waiting until after hours helps prevent denials and physician burnout.

Watch the final video in our five-part mini-series on steps you can take to improve your front-end revenue cycle management. Tune in to parts one through four for additional insights.

Read the “Perfecting Your Patient Notes” video transcript below and subscribe to Madaket Health on YouTube.

Video Transcript:

Hello folks, Devon here with Madaket Health. Today’s Madaket Minute topic is the last in a mini-series about front-end revenue cycle processes that lead to poor revenue cycle management. Today we’re on our final tip.

Tip number five: Complete your notes as quickly as possible with each visit and submit the claim for billing as soon as possible. The longer it takes you to type patient notes and submit a claim, the longer it takes you to get paid. And in some states, you’re required to submit a charge within a certain time frame from the date of service or the payer can deny your claim.

The ideal time to write notes is during the visit and to complete the note before seeing the next patient. Charting after hours leads to physician burnout and inaccurate notes anyway.

Also, if you can get in the practice of mirroring the language that the insurance carrier uses to describe something, the easier it is for them to understand what they’re reading and the more likely they are to pay the claim without a denial.

And that wraps up our mini-series about front-end revenue cycle management.

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