Feeling the Pain of Compliance ?

Drowning in Manual Updates ?

Wasting Time on Enrollments?

Tired of Chaos?

Why Settle for Less?

If you are still fighting with outdated systems and endless spreadsheets, your team deserves better! Madaket’s Provider Data Management platform is here to save the day!

zap Compliance: Always accurate provider data to keep you ahead of federal regulations.

zap Automation: Seamless CAQH integration and direct payer portal links. Let Madaket do the heavy lifting!

zap Efficiency: Enroll with payers in just a few clicks and tap into over 4000 payers effortlessly.

zap Simplification: Store licenses, certifications, and employment history all in one place.

Stop the madness and make the move to Madaket! Experience a streamlined, stress-free process that transforms your provider data management.

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Experience Effortless Provider Data Management

Video Transcript:

As you might be aware, federal regulations on healthcare organizations are intensifying, making provider data accuracy a legal imperative for both payers and providers like you.

Madaket’s Provider Data Management Platform is the fastest and most accurate system to maintain your provider data and enroll with all your payers in just a few clicks.

Most physician groups try to manage their provider data with spreadsheets or some sort of homegrown solution. These subpar tools force overworked staff to create endless workarounds. One of the most common being staff resorting to setting up a never-ending series of notifications to track the expiration dates of a provider’s participation.

You’re searching for an easier way to manage your providers. Introducing Madaket’s Provider Data Management Platform. Madaket offers a robust provider profile for you to store essential details like professional licenses, DEA registration, educational and board certifications, and employment history, all crucial for payer enrollment.

Madaket’s PDM platform is seamlessly integrated with CAQH, eliminating the need to repopulate your provider profiles manually. Once you add providers and link them to practice locations, our platform identifies potential participation opportunities for you, integrating payer lists with a provider’s license and displaying current participation statuses for greater efficiency. Initiating a new enrollment is straightforward and takes just a few seconds.

Madaket simplifies your enrollment process into small, manageable steps that can be distributed amongst your team members, streamlining your workload. Features like direct payer portal links, data review forms, and digital signature tasks ensure you have excellent data accuracy and simplify submission processes, removing the need for you to manually enter data and handle documents.

At Madaket, we house a library of over 4000 payers, eliminating time-consuming research of payer requirements and forms. Our platform facilitates seamless coordination among enrollment managers, operations staff, and providers, making provider data management and payer enrollment tasks more manageable than ever before.

Make the move to Madaket.

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